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Butteryum food blog recipes

Filtering by Category: thanksgiving recipes

Make Ahead Mashed Potatoes

Patricia @ ButterYum


Entertaining can be fun, but it can also be stressful. If you have a few tried and true recipes that can be made ahead of time, you can reduce some of that stress (and a ton of dirty dishes!). Make these delicious mashed potatoes days (or weeks) ahead and reheated just before needed.

Items needed to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)

Make Ahead Mashed Potatoes

makes 6 servings (recipe can be doubled, tripled, etc…)

Printable Recipe


  • 2 pound russet potatoes, peeled and cut into 3/4-inch cubes

  • 1 clove garlic, peeled

  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

  • 4 ounces unsalted butter

  • 3 ounces sour cream

  • 1/2 cup whole milk

  • 1 teaspoon granulated onion

  • 1 tablespoon dried parsley

  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Place potatoes, garlic and salt in saucepan and cover with water; boil for 10-15 minutes or until potatoes are tender.

  2. Drain potatoes and mash with remaining ingredients until well combined. Use a handheld potato masher if you don’t mind a few lumps, otherwise use a potato ricer or food mill to make smooth mashed potatoes.

  3. Serve right away or chill/freeze in an airtight container for later (follow instructions below).

To Reheat

  • Place mashed potatoes in slow cooker and heat on low for about 4 hours or spread mashed potatoes in a casserole dish and bake in a preheated 350F oven for 30-40 minutes. Alternatively, you can reheat in a microwave-safe container, stirring every few minutes until heated through.

  • If frozen, thaw overnight in the fridge before reheating.

Cranberry Pomegranate Sauce

Patricia @ ButterYum


I have 3 ‘favorite’ cranberry sauce recipes that I tend to rotate through from year to year. This year, I decided make them all (plus a couple more) to see which one truly was my favorite. I invited a taste-tester to join me and we both agreed, this one was the winner.

Now, I know for some people, holiday meals aren’t complete without canned cranberry sauce, but if you’ve never made it from scratch, I urge you to give it a try. It’s super easy to make, tastes amazing, and you can keep it in the fridge for weeks so it can be made way in advance.

Okie dokie - to begin we’ll need whole cranberries (fresh or frozen), pomegranate juice, and sugar.


Combine the ingredients together in a heavy-bottomed 2-qt or larger sauce pan.


Heat, stirring occasionally, until the mixture begins to boil.


Lower the heat to a gentle simmer and continue cooking, stirring occasionally, until the cranberries pop open and the mixture thickens (about 10 minutes).

And that’s all there is to it. The mixture will thicken as it cools. Serve warm or cold. Happy Holidays!

Items used to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)

Cranberry Pomegranate Sauce

makes about 2 1/2 cups

Printable Recipe


  • 2 cups (8 ounces) whole cranberries (fresh or frozen)

  • 2/3 cup granulated sugar

  • 1/3 cup pomegranate juice


  1. Place all the ingredients in a 2-quart or larger saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the cranberries break down and the mixture thickens, about 10 minutes.