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Butteryum food blog recipes

Filtering by Category: ice cream sorbet gelato recipes

Matcha Ice Cream

Patricia @ ButterYum

The end of summer is near and I couldn't let the season end without sharing a recipe for Matcha Ice Cream.  Matcha is a finely milled Japanese green tea powder which is incredibly popular because it's high in antioxidants and has a sweet, intoxicating flavor and aroma.  Oh yeah, and it's a superfood so there you go.

how to make matcha ice cream - green tea ice cream recipe - matcha ice cream recipe with photos

Dissolve the matcha powder in a little half and half until smooth.


If you have trouble getting all the lumps out...

Add a spoonful of sugar to help break up the lumps.

how to make matcha ice cream. how do you make matcha green tea ice cream - ButterYum

Add the dissolved matcha mixture, remaining half and half, and heavy cream to a good quality heavy-bottom saucepan over medium-high haet.  Cook, stirring frequently, until the mixture starts to give off wisps of steam.

Matcha ice cream recipe. green tea ice cream recipe.

In a medium mixing bowl, combine the sugar and egg yolks well.

how to make matcha green tea ice cream - ButterYum

Vigorously whisk 1/2 cup of the hot matcha mixture into the egg yolk mixture.  Repeat with an additional 1/2 cup of hot matcha mixture.

how to make matcha ice cream. how to make green tea ice cream - recipe and how-to photo. ButterYum

Return matcha and egg mixture to the saucepan and cook, stirring constantly, until it boils, begins to thicken, and coats the back of a spoon. 

matcha green tea powder ice cream recipe with how-to photos - ButterYum

Remove from the heat and stir in pure vanilla extract, then strain the mixture through a sieve.  For the best results, chill the mixture overnight before churning in an ice cream machine (follow manufacturer's instructions).

These items were used to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)

Matcha Ice Cream

makes about 1 quart

Printable Recipe



  1. In a small bowl, combine the matcha powder with 1/2 cup of half and half until smooth and no lumps remain (add a spoonful of the sugar to help break up the clumps if necessary).

  2. In a medium mixing bowl, combine the sugar, salt, and egg yolks; set aside.

  3. In a heavy-bottom saucepan over medium-high heat, combine the matcha mixture, remaining half and half, and heavy cream; cook, stirring frequently, until the mixture is heated to the point where it begins to steam.

  4. Quickly whisk 1/2 cup of the hot ice cream base into the egg yolk mixture until completely combined; repeat with another 1/2 cup of the hot ice cream base.

  5. Pour the now warmed matcha mixture into the saucepan that contains the hot ice cream base.

  6. Resume cooking, stirring constantly, until mixture begins to boil.

  7. Remove from heat and stir in pure vanilla extract.

  8. Strain mixture through a sieve and chill thoroughly before churning.

  9. When mixture is completely chilled, churn in ice cream maker following manufacturer's instructions.

  10. Transfer ice cream to an airtight container and store in freezer.

Vanilla Bean Creme Frappuccino

Patricia @ ButterYum

My husband loves coffee and likes to occasionally stop at a popular coffeehouse for a large, steamy, freshly-brewed cup.  On the other hand, I'm not much of a coffee drinker so I order a small, icy, vanilla cream beverage.  It's a very simple treat, but they're not cheap so I decided to come up with my own version that I can make at home for a fraction of the cost.  For the best results, be sure to use premium quality ice cream, vanilla bean paste, and vanilla bean powder.  

Let me show you how it's done. 

Start with ice, whole milk, and your favorite premium quality vanilla ice cream.  We like to use premium vanilla ice cream such as Haagen Dazs.

We'll also need a little sugar, the best pure vanilla bean paste, and pure vanilla powder.

Place everything in a small blender that can handle chopping ice cubes.  I really love this model - have had it for years, it's not expensive, and it works great!  

Starbuck's copycat frappuccino recipe with photos

Pour the liquified mixture into a glass and top with copious amounts of real whipped cream.  To keep things on the light side, use canned whipped cream, but if you want to be extra indulgent...

...make your own.  

In a small mixing bowl, combine heavy whipping cream, confectioners sugar, and pure vanilla bean paste (it tastes so good and adds those lovely specks of vanilla seeds).

Use a hand mixer to whip everything together.  If yours has a whisk attachment, that works very well, but the standard beater attachments will work too.

When you start seeing tracks in your cream, it's almost done.  Just a few seconds longer.

Now for the fun part - putting the whipped cream into a large disposable piping bag fitted with an open star tip.  Today I used this tip to pipe my whipped cream, but this is another one of my favorites.  

Recommendation:  When purchasing disposable piping bags, I suggest you get large bags (like these) instead of 8 to 12-inch bags, which are more common.  The small bags are hard to fill, they don't hold very much, and they're nearly impossible to refill once they've been used.  The bags I recommend are much easier to use, fill/refill, and you can always cut them down if you find yourself in a situation that requires the use of a smaller bag.  Just saying.

Fill the disposable pastry bag with the whipped cream and pipe a mountain of swirly goodness on top of your frappuccino.

How to make Starbuck's Vanilla Bean Cream Frappuccino Recipe, How to make Starbuck's Vanilla Bean Creme Frappuccino Recipe.

Add a green straw if you have one and go for it!  Mmmm.

Items used to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)

Vanilla Bean Creme Frappuccino

makes 1 serving

Printable Recipe



  1. Place all the ingredients in a personal blender and pulse to break up the ice cubes, then blend until mixture is smooth.

  2. Pour into serving glass and top with whipped cream. Serve immediately.