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Butteryum food blog recipes

Filtering by Category: chocolate recipes

Chia Pudding Dessert Shooters

Patricia @ ButterYum

I couldn't decide which flavor of chia pudding to share with you first, so what the heck, I'll share all three.  Gives me a good excuse to use these adorable little Bormioli shot glasses too.  No spoons needed, just tilt your head back and enjoy.

Now for some interesting facts about chia seeds.  Chia seeds are an unprocessed, whole-grain superfood that can be eaten raw or in gel form (they absorb liquid, up to 10 times their weight).  They're chock full of healthy omega fats, protein, antioxidants, calcium, and dietary fiber.

Bonus - chia seed gel can be used as an egg substitute when baking:  for every egg called for in a recipe, mix 1 tablespoon of chia seeds with 3 tablespoons of water and allow to gel.

Chocolate Chia Pudding

makes about 2 cups

Printable Recipe



  1. Combine chia seeds and chocolate milk, stirring frequently for about 30 minutes to eliminate clumps, then cover and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.

  2. Spoon into dessert dishes and serve.

Roasted Strawberry and Vanilla Chia Pudding

makes about 2 cups

Printable Recipe



  1. In a blender or food processor, combine strawberries, milk, and water.

  2. Add vanilla extract and chia seeds, stir frequently for about 30 minutes to eliminate clumps, then cover and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.

  3. Spoon into dessert dishes and serve.

Vanilla Chia Pudding

makes about 2 cups

Printable Recipe



  1. Combine milk, vanilla bean paste, chia seeds, and your choice of sweetener, stir frequently for about 30 minutes to eliminate clumps, then cover and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.

  2. Spoon into dessert dishes and serve.

Coffee Toffee Mocha Crunch Cake

Patricia @ ButterYum

I recently entered a recipe contest featuring frozen pound cake.  I didn't win the contest (I got 4th place), but I had fun spending the morning in the kitchen coming up with this creation.  Here's my entry:

Start with a partially thawed pound cake. Cut it into single-size portions about 1 1/2 inches thick using a serrated bread knife.

Cut each portion horizontally into 3 even layers.

That was easy. Now we get to put yummy stuff between the layers.

Pipe some lightly sweetened whipped cream on the bottom and middle layers, then sprinkle on toffee bits. I prefer Skor toffee bits because they have include chocolate. If you prefer, you can use Heath toffee bits which do not include chocolate.

Assemble the 3 layers together, drizzle mocha ganache on top, and sprinkle with more toffee bits. Serve immediately.

Items used to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)

Coffee Toffee Mocha Crunch Cake

Prep Time: 1 hour

makes 6 servings

Printable Recipe


Mocha Ganache:

Espresso Cream Filling:

Additional Items:


To Make the Mocha Ganache:

  1. In a small saucepan, gently heat the cream until small bubbles appear around the edges of the pan.

  2. Remove from heat and stir in espresso powder and chocolate chips.

  3. Allow the mixture to sit for about 5 minutes, then stir until smooth and glossy.

  4. Pour mixture into a glass measure with a pour spout; set aside uncovered at room temperature to cool and thicken slightly.

To Make the Espresso Cream Filling:

  1. Place cream, sugar, espresso powder, and vanilla extract into a chilled bowl and beat until stiff peaks form.

  2. Cover bowl with plastic and refrigerate until needed.

To Assemble the Cake:

  1. Trim 1/4-inch from each end of the thawed cake.

  2. Cut the remaining cake vertically into 6 equal portions about 1 1/2-inches wide; then cut each portion horizontally into 3 layers.

  3. Place the bottom layer of each portion onto a freezer-safe platter or individual dessert plates and pipe a decorative layer of Espresso Cream Filling using a pastry bag fitted with a star tip, then sprinkle 1 teaspoon of toffee bits on each.

  4. Gently place the middle layer on top of the toffee bits, being careful not to squash the decorative piping.

  5. Place in freezer for 20 minutes to set.

  6. Remove from freezer and pipe another decorative layer of Mocha Cream Filling onto each portion, sprinkle each with another teaspoon of toffee bits, and gently place the top layer of pound cake on top of the toffee bits, again, being careful not to squash the decorative piping; return to freezer for another 20 minutes.

  7. Remove from freezer and drizzle Mocha Ganache over each portions and garnish with extra toffee bits. Serve immediately.